Joint HAIP/UAH CE ONLINE Course: Golf Law & Risk Management
Golf law, insurance and risk management is an important topic for insurance agents who insure golf courses and insurance professionals who often do business on golf courses and participate and volunteer. The course instructor is Katharine M. Nohr, Esq. author of Managing Risk in Sport and Recreation, among other books. The class will be online via Microsoft Teams sponsored by HEMIC. The number of participants is limited to 100 people.
RSVP due date is Friday, June 12, 2020
To register and pay, go to the following links below. Please be sure to include your full name and vendor ID# for 2 CE credits.
HAIP/UAH Members & HAIP Corporate Partners: $10
Non-Members: $15
Mail check to: HAIP, P.O. Box 91, Honolulu, HI 96810
Must be received no later than 06/10/20 and $25 charge for returned checks. No refunds.
For further information, please contact Leslie Door (Zephyr), HAIP Education Committee Chairperson at