HAIP (Zoom) Pals Pau Hana!
Please join the virtual HAIP Pals Pau Hana!
Hosted by your HAIP Community Relations Champions!
- Meet New People
- Play Games
- Have Fun!
- Show off your best virtual background and filters!
Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpcu6rqzMoHdCxxShjbCUDZcKXMoS...
We will have an ice-breaker in small break-out rooms, music, lots of laughs and an opportunity to just relax and connect with others!
For questions email:
Martin Beardeaux at mbeardeaux@employersprotectiveinsurance.com
Joshua German at joshua@insuringhawaii.com
Jodi Keliinoi at jodi_keliinoi@hmsa.com