HAIP Presents: Safety Essay Contest Awards
HAIP's annual December membership meeting will include awarding the three winners of HAIP's annual Safety Essay Contest. Entrants are public high school students who have written essays on the topic of Distraction. Grading criteria includes originality, story-telling, relevancy and grammar.
We will also have a guest speaker: Kim Buffett Feigenspan, who was formerly with HPD and the Honolulu CrimeStoppers Program. She is currently the Dean of Students at Damien Memorial School.
We hope you will join us for this amazing annual event! A Holiday Buffet Luncheon is included.
Members & Corporate Partner Employees: $50.00
Non-Members: $60.00
Please make checks payable to HAIP and pay at the door or mail ahead to: P.O. Box 91, Honolulu, HI 96810
No shows will be charged.
Please RSVP by December 7, 2018 by email to: membership@haipro.biz