HAIP Installation Luncheon
Please come and show your aloha and support to our outgoing and incoming Officers:
A Mahalo Nui Loa to Preston Jones, Mark Coberly, Katharine Nohr and Josh German for serving as the HAIP Officers this 2017-2018 term.
A warm Welcome to our incoming 2018-2019 Officers: Preston Jones, President; Martha Nobriga, Vice President/President Elect; Margo Makanani, Secretary; and Martin Beardeaux, Treasurer
Buffet Luncheon
Members & Corporate Partner Employees: $40.00
Non-members: $45.00
Make checks payable to HAIP and pay at the door or mail ahead to P.O. Box 91, Honolulu, HI 96810. No shows will be charged.
Public parking available at Harbor Court or Chinatown Gateway - $3.00 for 2 hours.
Please RSVP by June 4, 2018 by email or Margo Makanani at mmakanani@hemic.com (808-521-3642 Ext. 204)