Confidence While Communicating Class (CWC)

08/23/2023 - 5:30pm to 09/20/2023 - 7:30pm


915 Fort Street Mall Suite 100
96813 Honolulu , HI

We are pleased to announce the upcoming Confidence While Communicating Class (CWC) class being offered by the Honolulu Association of Insurance Professionals (HAIP): 

This year’s CWC course is being facilitated by Martin Beardeaux of Employers’ Protective Insurance Company, and each of the five classes will feature a different guest instructor, each with CWC competition experience, to offer their unique perspective, valuable tips and insights.  

CWC is open to anyone interested in improving their communication skills, so HAIP membership is not required to take the class.  There is no obligation to compete, but successful completion will qualify you to compete at Local, Regional and National IAIP Speak-Off Competitions.  

Please click here to learn more about IAIP and CWC:  

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