Confidence While Communicating 2021-2022

For a second time in HAIP history, the CWC course was held virtually, as well as our local HAIP Speak-Off Competition that was held during the November 18, 2021 membership meeting. HAIP had two amazing students and new HAIP members Janine Togikawa and Saskia Nienhuis take the course and particpate in the 2021-2022 Speak-Off Competition.
Our congratulations to Saskia Nienhuis for winning the Speak-Off Competition. It was a difficult competition for the judges as both participants did an amazing performance delivering their prepared 3-minute and 1-minute impromptu speeches. We are very proud of both students! Saskia was not able to attend the Region VII Conference and compete in the Speak-Off competition in June 2022 in Louisville, KY. Therefore, Mark Coberly, who taught the 2021-2022 HAIP CWC Course, took her place at the Region VII Conference and won! Mark went on to represent Region VII at the International Convention Speak-Off competition that was held the following day in Louisville.
A special thank you for making the CWC course and Speak-Off Competition happen this year goes to Shane Pope, our Public Relations Committee Champion, and Mark Coberly for teaching the CWC course with assistance from Chenise Blalock and Katharine Nohr.