HAIP April Membership Meeting - Voting for Officers

Event date: 04/11/2019

Every April HAIP hosts their monthly meeting for members only for the purpose of voting in the new officers for the coming year.  This year we had over 40 HAIP members attend our April meeting and heard the candidates speak and explain why they are running for office and their vision for the future of HAIP for the 2019-2020 term.

The candidates:

    President: Martha Nobriga Current 2018-2019 Vice President/President Elect 

    Vice President/President Elect:  Leslie Door and Evelyn Hara

     Secretary:  Ellen Mimori and Dustin Deniz

     Treasurer:  Takushi Nagayama

The votes were cast by the HAIP members and the officers for the 2019-2020 term are:

    Martha Nobriga, President

    Leslie Door, Vice President/President Elect

    Ellen Mimori, Secretary

    Takushi Nagayama, Treasurer

Congratulations to our new officers and thank you to the HAIP members for attending and casting your vote!

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