Nikki Brissette

Nikki Brissette
Prior to starting in the insurance industry, Nikki attended Kapiolani Community College with the intent of getting her undergraduate credits and then to later transfer to the University of Hawaii. She had two young children and worked nights at a hair salon but knew she could not keep it up.
She started at King & Neel in 1989 initially as a claims coordinator then on to an Insurance CSR, Bond CSR, Insurance Producer and most recently in Operations. Currently, Nikki is an Account Executive and Vice President at Risk Solution Partners, a Woodruff Sawyer company.
She specializes in commercial lines: started working with contractors and has ventured to municipalities and land/family trusts.
Nikki has been a single mom for 20 of the 30 years she has been in the insurance industry. Insurance takes persistence and hard work, but has given her the opportunity to provide for her family better than she could have ever dreamed. The thing she enjoys most is helping others by problem solving and connecting people.
In her spare time Nikki enjoys family, CrossFit, golf, cooking, reading and finding the next good deal.