Region VII Conference 2023

HAIP was the hosting association at the well-attended Region VII Conference in Honolulu, which HAIP had not hosted since 2012. The awards presentation was held on Saturday evening at the Awards Banquet where HAIP was awarded the Jeffrey Nordhaus Memorial Award for Education and the E. C. Smith Jr. Memorial Award for Community Action. Our own Maria Carvalho won the Region VII CWC Speak-Off competition award.
A big thank you goes to the committee chairs for Education Justin Whedbee and Leslie Door, as well as the Community Relations chair, David Heard with the assistance from Jodi Keliinoi Smith for their hard work and dedication to HAIP this term. Also, a BIG mahalo to our Awards committee chair, Charlene "Chuck" Mizumoto, who completed and submitted the award applications, for which, in part, is a huge key in winning these awards.