Kim Aburamen
Kim Aburamen
Kim has only been in the insurance industry since the summer of 2019. She started right after the school year closed. Prior to selling insurance, she was a Special Education Teacher teaching in the areas of physical science, earth/space science, life science, and 6th grade Language Arts at Waiakea Intermediate School. She left the DOE in July 2019. Her father passed away in August 2018 and she thought that she would take the exams, learn on the job . . . and here she is. Currently, she is in personal and commercial lines and most recently selling life insurance. Her hobbies include: trapshooting (she's the treasurer of her local trap club); camping, when it allows; and trying to “hunt” but has a hard time pulling the trigger when she sees a baby animal of any kine. On the weekends she also works on greeting cards, she's a crafter.