HAIPs 2020 Community Service Project: Hawaiian Humane Society

What: Donation Drive for Pet supplies, Pet Food and Monetary Donations
When: January 1st to January 24, 2020
Where: Donations can be dropped of with HAIPs Corporate Partners:
- DTRIC Insurance: 1600 Kapiolani Blvd., #1520 808-951-1827 (Martha)
- HEMIC Insurance: 1100 Alakea Street, #1400 808-208-8220 (Martin)
- Island Insurance: 1022 Bethel Street 808-564-8461 (Takushi)
- RLI Insurance: 700 Bishop Street, #1703 808-533-1515 (Ellen)
- Zephyr Insurance: 1001 Bishop Street, #2750 808-440-5415 (Leslie)
How: Drop of your donations during business hours until 1/25/20 and we will deliver the donations on 1/25/20. *For monetary donations, make your check out to the Hawaiian Humane Society.
Please direct any questions to Martin Beardeaux at mbeardeaux@hemic.com or 808-208-8220
Wish List: Go to https://www.hawaiianhumane.org/wishlist/ for a full list of urgently needed supplies.
Thank you for your participation in this worthwhile event and supporting our local Humain Society!